The Key to Isolation Success: Pt. 6 - How to Chef

We are excited to be teaming up with Elie Assaf from Five Boroughs New Zealand, if you are clueless, don’t worry he will have your chef game up to spec in no time. If you secured a seat at the Ante Social pop up, you already know that these guys take the meaning of delicious to another level. Warning this is mouth-watering content, scroll at your own will @fiveboroughsnz

Due to the lockdown, all your favourite takeaway spots are closed for the next few weeks, we think its time to be inspired and get creative in the kitchen – FallenFront and Five Boroughs have you covered. Keeping everyone inspired and motivated during this difficult time is exactly what Elie wants to help you with, so he produced a 15 page cookzine for you at home, go on give it a go. 

Some of the favourite Five Boroughs favourite recipes from the original kitchen cookbook have been collated into this online 15 page cookzine. Even better is this is the first in a series, so you can collect them all. In these series, you will find some of the best recipes and get a kick start in learning how to make 5B pickles, make your very own ketchup, mayo and honey mustard. Oh and don’t forget the Brooklyn Burger patty mix and step by step instructions on how to build the original 5B Brooklyn Burger. The team have also thrown in the bonus recipe, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

Hopefully, for next series they drop the infamous Pickleback recipes, this is guaranteed an entertaining evening, just remember where you left your shoes the next morning…

Once you download this and start coming through with the goods please be sure to tag @fiveboroughsnz and @fallenfront so we can see how you put the Brooklyn Burger together.